Ysgol Derwen

Gwerthoedd Ysgol / School Values

O fesen fach i'r gangen uchaf tyfwn gyda'n gilydd!

From the smallest acorn to the highest branch we grow together!

Parch, Parod, Diogel - Ready, Respectful, Safe

Dewiswyd rhestr o werthoedd gan ein rieni sy'n cynrychioli ein hysgol er mwyn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd ein arwyddair i bob rhanddeiliaid.

Pob mis dewiswn gwerth newydd a geir ei ymrwymio i bob agwedd o fywyd ysgol.

Our parents have chosen a list of values that represent our School in order to emphasise the importance of the motto to every stakeholder.

Every month a new value is chosen which will be incorporated into all aspects of school life.

Gwerthoedd Ein Hysgol:

Cyfeillgarwch, Caredigwrwydd, Rhannu, Hunan-barch, Cyd-weithio, Parch, Tim, Dealltwriaeth, Dyfalbarhau, Hunan-ddisgyblaeth, Cyfrifoldeb, Ymddiried, Moesau, Cariad, Gwrando, Gonestrwydd, Gofalgar, Helpu, Amrywiaeth, Meddwl agored, Cyfathrebu.

Our School Values:

Honesty, Respect, Manners, Sharing, Pride/Self-Esteem, Caring, Co-operation, Communication, Kindness, Teamwork, Love, Self-Discipline, Helpfulness, Truth, Open Mindedness/Tolerance, Friendliness, Listening, Responsibility, Understanding, Perserverance, Diversity and Trust.

Am ein hysgol / About Our School

About our school

O fesen fach i'r gangen uchaf / From the smallest acorn to the highest branch

Last September a list of values that represent our School was created in order to confirm the importance of the motto to every stakeholder. Thank you to all of you that participated on our very special evening.

Parhau i ddarllen / Continue Reading

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