Mae pob plentyn yn bosibilrwydd anferth - ein cyfrifoldeb ni yw sicrhau bod unrhyw beth yn bosibl.
Rydym yn falch iawn o'n disgyblion, y safonau uchel y cyrhaeddwn, a'n cyfraniad a chyfranogiad o fewn ein cymuned. Defnyddiwn ein Gwerthoedd Ysgol i feithrin unigolion hyderus, gofalgar sy'n ein galluogi i ddod ymlaen gyda'n hunain yn ogystal ag eraill.
Rydym yn ymdrechu i greu amgylchedd lle mae disgyblion yn gyffrous i ddysgu trwy ddatblygu strategaethau creadigol a fydd yn ysbrydoli ein disgyblion i gyflawni mawredd. Mae hyn yn cynnwys amrywiaeth gyfoethog o weithgareddau allgyrsiol, o gerddoriaeth i chwaraeon, sy'n caniatáu i'r plant ddefnyddio eu sgiliau iaith Gymraeg y tu allan i'r ystafell ddosbarth.
Ymdrechwn i gefnogi ein disgyblion i ddatblygu fel dinasyddion cyfrifol byd-eang yr Unfed Ganrif ar hugain sydd â'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen i addasu i ofynion ein byd newidiol. Cefnogwn hwy i ddatblygu'r sgiliau i fod yn ddysgwyr annibynnol gydol oes gyda phwyslais cryf ar y sgiliau Llythrennedd a Rhifedd allweddol, ynghyd â TGCh ar draws y cwricwlwm ehangach.
Every child is a huge possibility and it is our responsibility to help make anything possible
We are very proud of our pupils, the high standards we achieve and our involvement and contribution within the community. We use our School Values to nurture confident, caring individualsthat ensure that we have the ability to get on with ourselves as well as each other.
We endeavour to create an environment where pupils are excited to learn by developing creative strategies which will inspire our pupils to achieve greatness. This includes a rich variety of extra-curricular activities from music to sport, which allows the children to use their Welsh language skills outside the classroom.
We aim to support our pupils to become globally responsible 21 Century citizens who have the skills needed to adapt to the demands of our changing world. They are supported to develop the skills to be independent lifelong learners- with a strong emphasis on the key Literacy and Numeracy skills along with ICT across the wider curriculum.
Ein gweledigaeth yw Addysg Gyfrwng Gymraeg o radd flaenaf i bob unigolyn o fewn cymuned cynhwysol, heriol, ofalgar a theg. I sicrhau bod pob plentyn, rhiant ac athro yn byw gyda pharch, chymeradwyaeth a chyfeillgarwch.
Our vision is to provide Welsh Medium Education to the highest standard to every child within an inclusive challenging, caring and fair community. To make sure that every child, parent and teacher lives with respect friendship and praise.
Datganiad Ysgol:
O fesen fach i'r gangen uchaf anelwn am ragoriaeth yn ein bywydau gan ddilyn gwerthoedd yr ysgol, gan wneud ein gorau a gan osod her inni ein hunain!
Mission Statement:
From the smallest acorn to the highest branch we will aim for excellence in our lives by following the values of the School, trying our best and setting challenges for ourselves.
O fesen fach i'r gangen uchaf / From the smallest acorn to the highest branch
Last September a list of values that represent our School was created in order to confirm the importance of the motto to every stakeholder. Thank you to all of you that participated on our very special evening.