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Please click on link below to read documents. Then click X in dropbox sign in prompt to see documents..
Planned Grant Expenditure - Financial Year 2024-25
Overview of school development plan 2023-24
Trosolwg o gynllun datblygu ysgol 2023-24
Adroddiad Llywodraethwyr i rieni 2022-23 / Governors report to parents 2022-23
Polisi Diogelu/ Safeguarding Policy
Improving attendance action plan
Gwybodaeth i rieni - Profion Cenedlaethol / Information for parents - National Tests
Data Protection Policy - Ysgol Cwm Derwen
Privacy Notice - Ysgol Cwm Derwen
E-diogelwch / E-Safety - Ysgol Cwm Derwen
Trosolwg ein Cwricwlwm/ Our Curriculum Summary
Polisi Cwricwlwm (Dysgu ac Addysgu) / Curriculum Policy (teaching and learning)
Persistent and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
Polisi Cyfnod Pwyllo/ Lockdown policy
O fesen fach i'r gangen uchaf / From the smallest acorn to the highest branch
Last September a list of values that represent our School was created in order to confirm the importance of the motto to every stakeholder. Thank you to all of you that participated on our very special evening.